Wednesday, July 30, 2014

the craft: studded crop-top

I had a lot of fun with this DIY project. I mean, it's easy-peasy, which is kind of my crafting-style. (Sewing is on the horizon though, I can feel it! I want it and need it more in my life. Any sewing-gurus out there?!) Knowing that I'll be playing more gigs come Fall, I wanted a to add something to my wardrobe that had a rocker-chicness to it. Since I'm on a much smaller budget these days trying to prep myself for school, I knew I wouldn't want to spend much on something that's not my everyday-jam. A little Pinterest inspiration and voila! A fun little idea of my own! 

The studded crop top

All you need are two things! 

 + Some studs. I got mine for $1.62 on amazon.  

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+ A cropped-top (new or old.) I got mine for less than ten dollars at Urban Outfitters last summer. 

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Basically all you do is push the spikes through the fabric and fold them over. I did it with my fingers, because I don't own a pair of pliers that were small enough. But the spikes were quite bendable, so I could easily move them with my fingers alone. And just create a little pattern that you'll be able to emulate on the each side. 

IMG 2752

I'll make sure to share a photo with of me wearing it when I do! 

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I might end up adding some to the back as well!! 

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